Springwood Baptist Church 313 Macquarie Road Springwood, NSW ph: 4751 3744 Subscribe to our Podcast Join us on Facebook View our YouTube Channel

Men's Ministry


The Men's ministry main aims are for men to grow in relationship with each other, and with our Lord. We recognise that men are at their most relaxed with each other when they are doing something together - hence our aim is to provide a variety of activities that bring men together in a fun, interesting and challenging environment. Some of our events include: mountain bike riding, State of Origin nights, 4WD weekend, golf, etc.

Join us every fortnight for Men's Brekky and Bible at 8:30am at church.   All men of all ages are welcome to join us to read God’s Word together, share and connect, and eat a delicious brekky. Contact Steve Krimmer, Matt Yeo or Dave Wainwright for more info.