Springwood Baptist Church 313 Macquarie Road Springwood, NSW ph: 4751 3744 Subscribe to our Podcast Join us on Facebook View our YouTube Channel

Women's Ministries

First Tuesday Fellowship (formerly Women's Fellowship)

Is a group of mainly older folk who meet once a month (1st Tuesday of the month) to

  • provide Christian friendship, 
  • to learn about and support mission in our own church and beyond through prayer, giving, and in practical ways,
  • to support those who have difficulty in coming to church functions.



Creative Spaces

Meets every Thursday at 9.30 - 11.30 am for the first 6 - 8 weeks of each school term, at the church.
A great time out for women to meet new friends, enjoy morning tea and catch up on unfinished projects, all while your children are being cared for.
Those participating enjoy a wide array of crafts with help from some dedicated amateurs. Come and enjoy the friendship - open to all ages.