Bible studies in Genesis 37 - 50.
Joseph Beneath The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Life in the life of good and evil (Genesis 50)
This Bible study on Genesis 50 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 5 July, 2009. Overview: The theme of God vs. Evil runs throughout Genesis. Joseph's words, "You meant to do evil, but God meant it for good... to save the lives of many" is part of a thematic thread that runs through Genesis and the whole Bible -- culminating in Christ.
Family Blessings and Curses (Genesis 48-49)
This Bible study on Genesis 48 - 49 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from 28-06-09. Overview: As Jacob’s life and story draw to a close, he passes on his blessing to his sons. But some of these ‘blessings’ sound more like punishments and curses. What's going on here?
Feast and Famine
This Bible study on Genesis 47:11 - 31 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from 21 June, 2009. Overview: Salvation history simply means that God makes humanity walk the physical and historical steps that will help us understand His eternal plan of salvation. So what part does Genesis 47 play in this great unfolding plan?
Jacob and Joseph Reunited (Genesis 46)
This Bible study on Genesis 46 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from 14 June, 2009. Overview: The story of Joseph has all the highs and lows of a Shakespeare play. But is Jacob's reunion with his son the dramatic climax we've been waiting for?
God Tests His Family (Genesis 44)
This Bible study on Genesis 44 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 7 June, 2009. Overview: Sometimes God's plans to mature us and develop our characters involve tests and trials. This was certainly the case with Joseph's brothers.
Let the Healing Begin (Genesis 42)
This Bible study on Genesis 42 corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on 31 May, 2009. Overview: Like the story of The Prodigal Son, part two of Joseph's story pursues the question of whether this yonger brother will be reconciled to his older brothers.
Joseph: The Dream Interpreter (Genesis 41)
This Bible study on Genesis 41 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from 24-05-09. Overview: Despite the grandiose dreams given to Joseph at the beginning of his life -- the affects of being sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused by his master’s wife and forgotten in prison by Pharaoh’s cupbearer, must have stirred some doubt in Joseph.
Joseph and Potiphar
This Bible study of Genesis 39 coincides with our Sunday sermons from 17 May, 2009. Overview: In this study we will explore aspects of this chapter in Joseph's story that become themes of his entire life.
Judah and Tamar
This Bible study of Genesis 38 coincides with our Sunday sermons from 10 May, 2009. Overview: Reading the Biblical account of Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar can give us the impression that we’re trespassing into the forbidden pages of someone’s personal diary. But this sordid story has been carefully crafted and strategically placed within the Joseph narrative in order to produce maximum impact.
Joseph's Story
This Bible study series on Joseph (Genesis 37 - 50) was written by Pastor Chadd Hafer to
correspond with our Sunday sermons in this series. Overview: 'Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' has become a popular musical. But beneath the glitz and glamour of this stageplay is an even more amazing story about real human brokenness and God's plan to save and restore all humanity.