Bible Studies in John’s gospel. Spiritual Renewal Series
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 10
This Bible study on John 21:1 - 19 corresponds with our sermon series on Spiritual Renewal (March 30, 2008). Overview: Peter began his career as a fisherman, but Jesus was determined to make him a fisher of men. This study follows discipleship journey of Peter which began and ended with a miraculous catch.
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 9
This Bible study of John 20:24 - 31 corresponds with our sermons series from 30 March 2008. Overview: Was Thomas a doubter or simply a realist? After all, human experience teaches us that dead people don't walk free from their graves. But if Doubting Thomas was a realist, then what caused him to believe in Christ's resurrection?
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 8
This Bible study of John 20:1 - 18 corresponds with our sermon series on Spiritual Renewal from 23 March 2008 -- Easter Sunday. Overview: Author Dan Brown wants to marry her to Jesus. Film maker James Cameron wants to burry her with Jesus. But can these fictitious accounts of Mary Magdalene compete with the glory given to her in the gospels?
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 7
This Bible study of John 17:20 - 26 corresponds with our sermon series on Spiritual Renwal from 16th March 2008. Overview: Jesus prayed for us, 'Father... may they become one just as we are one.' So what should complete Christian unity look like?
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 6
This Bible study of John 13:1 - 17 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from 9th March 2008. Overview: Can you imagine the King of kings returning to earth, taking off his crown and robe, then bending down to wash your feet? Then consider Christ's words to Peter, 'Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.'
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 5
This Bible study on John 11:1 - 44 corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on Spiritual Renewal from 2nd March 2008. Overview: Jesus' raising of Lazarus is not only an extraordinary miracle, but also a sign pointing to his own death and resurrection. Furthermore, it's a call for us who have heard the risen Christ's voice to take off the grave clothes and be free!
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 4
This Bible study on John 10 corresponds with our Sunday sermons from our Spiritual Renewal series, 24 Feb 2008. Overview: The man born blind may not have immediately seen Jesus, but he did hear his voice. Meanwhile, the religious leaders who accused Jesus of healing on the Sabbath appear too blind to see that the Good Shepherd has come to care for his sheep.
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 3
This Bible study on John 6 corresponds with our sermon series on Spiritual Renewal, 17 Feb 2008. Overview: After feeding the crowd of thousands, Jesus warned the people not to chase after bread that perishes. Is worldy food killing our spiritual appetite for the Bread of Life?
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 2
This Bible study on John 2:1 - 11, corresponds with our sermon series on Spiritual Renewal, 10 Feb 2008. Overview: Providing an abudance of wine for a wedding feast may seem like an odd miracle for Jesus to do. But John tells us that Jesus turning water into wine is a sign of bigger and better things to come.
John's Gospel -- Bible Study 1
This is the first in a Bible study series by Pastor Chadd Hafer. This study on John 1:19 - 34, corresponds with our series on Spiritual Renwal, Sunday 3 Feb 2008. Overview: John the Baptist confessed Christ using this riddle: 'The one who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.' This study makes three vital comparisons between the work of John and that of Christ.