Following the King
A series on practical discipleshipPalm Sunday Paradox
This Bible study on Matthew 21:1 - 17 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 28-03-2010. Overview:
Luke’s version of the 'Palm Sunday' events portray Jesus weeping over Jerusalem just before entering the city because he knew that the people were blind to God’s peace plan that was about to unfold before them (Luke 19:41 – 42).
Sharing the Good News
This study based on Acts 1:1 - 11 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 21 March, 2010. Overview: If good news is meant to be shared, why are Christ's disciples often nervous about sharing the good news of the gospel?
Body Building
This Bible study on 1 Corinthians 12 - 13 corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on 14/03/2010. Overview: One of Christ’s great commands is that we love one another. Therefore, trying to grow as a disciple of Christ outside of Christ’s Body (the Church) is like trying to develop as a tennis player without a partner to play with.
The Purpose of Prayer
This Bible study on 'The Lord's Prayer' (Matthew 6:9 - 15) corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 7 March, 2010. Overview: Through his model prayer, Jesus teaches his followers not only what to pray, but also how to pray.
Life worship
This Bible study on Romans 12:1 - 2 corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on 28 Feb, 2010. Overview: The Bible is utterly against sacrificing humans. So what does Paul mean in Romans 12:1 - 2 when he urges us to, “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God”?
Our Daily Bread
This Bible study on Matthew 4:1 - 11 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 21 Feb, 2010. Overview: Jesus’ 40-day fast in the wilderness serves as a powerful testimony that remaining in God’s word is as vital to our spiritual lives as food is to our physical survival.
The Essentials of Discipleship
This study on John 15:1 - 8 corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on 14 February, 2010. Overview: The context of Jesus' command that his disciples 'remain in the vine' is that Jesus had just announced that he was about to go away from them for a time. So how are Jesus’ followers to remain in him in his absence?
Our Mission
This Bible study on Matthew 28:16 - 20 corresponds with our Sunday sermons on 07-02-2010. Overview: Our Biblical vision is like the reward that awaits us at the finish line. But our Biblical mission is the race Christ has given us to run here and now.
God's Vision of visions
This Bible study series by Pastor Chadd Hafer corresponds with our Sunday sermon series on 31-01-2010. Overview: Vision can be defined as a compelling picture of the future that drives us in the present. Revelation 5 gives us a glimpse of God's great Vision of visions.